Leadership Program Believes In "Being the Change"
July 19, 2018

The Mastery in Transformational Training (MITT) leadership program cohort, a workshop in which participants are encouraged to “be the change they want to see,” decided raising funds to benefit the Pediatric Burn Unit would be that change. On May 24, 2018, they began fundraising. In less than three weeks, they raised more than $17,000 from fundraisers which included a dating auction, BBQ poker tournament, Tarot card readings and dancing, and other fun events. In addition, a GoFundMe was also created.

The cohort spoke with staff in the Burn Unit to learn what items the unit needed. The funds raised helped with the purchase of toys, blankets, backpacks and books, as well as gift cards for after care and hotels for remote families. The cohort, also purchased three iPad Pros and sponsored four families to visit Disneyland. Additionally, some of the funds raised were used to paint the walls of the playroom, and add storage cubbies and jungle-themed stickers.

On June 14, 2018 MITT also hosted a brunch for the nurses of the Burn Unit. During this time, they gifted the pediatric patients with the toys, backpacks, blankets and more that they had purchased. This moment epitomized why they wanted to help­­—to provide patients with a space, as well as an experience that transcended their circumstances.